Thursday, January 06, 2005

Amerikan Show Trials

Is there anything more creepy then a congressional public hearing? It's like watching a group of 13 year old boys attempt to impress the only good looking girl at the party. Posing and posturing should be left to vacuous cover girls and UN leaders. I expect substance from my elected officials which is why caring about politics is such a losing proposition. Alberto Gonzales has had to sit in front of God and everyone and field questions meant to imply that George Bush's America is unkind to terrorists. Don't get me wrong, a reasonable concern for the rights of everyone, even terrorists, is what makes American's so great. But reasonable does not describe the concerns of the ring leaders under the Capitol Hill Big Tent. In fact, reasonable is not even an expectation. Political points are all that matter. How can American's peek in on this impossible display of puffery and not worry for their republic? No wonder American's are devouring "reality television"; they have been driven there by our politics of the surreal.


Muscles for Justice said...

Kudos, Stalin, on your kommentary's krafty semikolon.

I read those Geneva Conventions one autumn the Idol was between seasons. Good stuff!!

NOW TO MY COMMENTS: The torture memo's suggestion that Geneva re: terrorists was "obsolete" begs the question "Then where's the line?" Gonzalez's comments today, more or less: "That's for me to know and you to find out." More lack of substance here:
(And a 10-minute lecture from Joe Biden of course begs the question "Who wrote it, old buddy?")

StalinMalone said...

I've always admired a man who can appreciate a good semicolon. Down; set; hike!

I agree that a discussion of "the line" would be good for the moral fiber of our country. My point is that this setting is not the place for it due to the hyperbole and insincerity of the participants. Turn the cameras off and solve some problems. Let the people who care read the transcripts. Its fundamental.