Thursday, September 01, 2005

It's a gas, gas, gas

I will never cease to be amazed by the level of economic ignorance that is sustainable in a great economy. I have yet to hear the man on the street (or the woman in the next cubicle over) say anything even close to realistic while attempting to explain the short term fuel crunch we are now experiencing. Supply and demand are lost on people. Market-pricing is a concept they have never heard discussed on The View. What's really sad is that these people have 16 plus years of education and yet remain utterly ignorant of the simplest economic concepts. While struggling to explain our current situation I actually heard someone say, "It's all in The Movie." Which is a reference to the Michael Moore fantasy piece of the last election cycle. It's no wonder that we have people who follow religions started by science fiction authors. I'm guessing that critical thinking has never been a strong suit of humanity and that I'm probably falling into the short-sighted "this is really bad so it must be the worst ever" camp by even acting surprised. If education has the ability to improve the thought processes of the masses as some argue, I say let's have some.

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