Monday, March 31, 2008

Economic Truism of the Day

Here is a truth that many have never read in their local paper: the gulf between the "rich" and the "poor" is a good thing. A very good thing.

Picture a world in which dropping out of high school and sitting around on your front porch with your posse yields the same economic rewards as spending 16 years studying or even more building a business. What do you think would become of a nation if choosing jobs that offered very little value to society were just as financially rewarding as those that added lots o' value? It would slowly become North Korea - The Land of Poverty and Squalor. Sure it might take a while and if enough ambitious souls still chose higher value jobs it might never hit bottom...but the point remains. The reason why you get paid what you get paid is because that is how much your job is worth. Pretty simple huh? So if you think you deserve more money; that's cool. Go earn it. All you have to do is work hard and get good at something that has value. And what would that be? Just look up the job descriptions of the "rich" and do that.

1 comment:

McGinty said...

Stalinberation Theology