Wednesday, May 07, 2008

In other news, the sky is blue.

A new report "breaks" the news that blacks are jailed at a higher rate than whites for drug offenses.

Here's a quick tip to the GOP heading into election season. For all your talk about how you should "really" be the party of the African-American community, you will never, ever be trusted by the black community because of your stubborn insistence that the "War" on drugs is good for America. Why would blacks ever trust you as long as you're jailing them at global record rates for an arbitrary crime?*

African-American distrust of the GOP is one of the easiest political ties to understand.

*Yes, I know that Dems are equally guilty in ruining millions of lives for no logically consistent reason, but the GOP owns the "War" on Drugs issue in the minds of most Americans. The GOP benefits greatly from the "tough on crime" reputation, and here they get hurt by it.


Anonymous said...

Legalization: I'm all for it, for drugs, gaming, prostitution, suicide unassisted by a physician--you name it, if you're a big boy or girl.

It's an error, however, to think (let alone trust) as a community, African American, or otherwise.

Many African Americans thinking about themselves and where they're at individually, would find Republicans have at least as much to offer them as Democrats. Not much, in either case; but a point, nonetheless.

StalinMalone said...

I'll give you a nickle for every person you can find (Africanish or Europeanish or whatever) who links the "war on drugs" with the GOP. That "war" has been going on for so long that, like MCLieberman, no one knows its even there. I don't think the GOP will take up the challenge to put time and effort into changing a policy that no one is aware of and even less link to them. There are much more effective ways to reach any demographic du jour.