Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Last Man in Europe?

Populism of the left and the right is identical to the way middle school society functions. Everyone working tirelessly just to fit in. Just to be liked and accepted. You say whatever you have to, believe whatever you have to just to avoid being laughed at by everyone else. Which is not to say that no one believes the party line, but they are the minority. In any movement the majority are just there to fit in. Listening to one of them try to explain why they believe what they believe is often a painful experience. Like watching a kitten drown. Terribly sad. But belief, from a practical point of view, is about quantity and not quality. The opposite of how it should it be. Which is why a man like Vaclav Klaus is so refreshing. There was always that one kid who went his own way, not just to be different (the flip side of the same coin as conformity), but because he saw a better way and refused to let the ignorance of the crowd be his master. Vaclav refuses to be controlled by the tyranny of the European in crowd. He refuses to be bullied by them and their only claim to authority, "but we ALL believe this".

May 2009 be a very good year for Vaclav Klaus.

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