Saturday, July 23, 2005

Granted, It's Art

Click on the link above and scroll down for The Big Local Story, "Total Eclipse of the Art." Here's how it ends. Here's how it began.

(And here's us.)


The Unknown Blogger said...

I say this on the Daily Show. What was interesting was that the artist with the Nazi/Pope are was so offended by the Bush art, but couldn't see how his piece was at all offensive.

Also, nice to know we're famous. Looks like the "Hydrablog" name is in high demand. I say we sell for millions.

StalinMalone said...

Poor Ruth Buzzi...she must have hit "launch" instead of "lunch".

This weeks Hot and Not list:

Hydrablog - Hot

Stereotype-affirming art execs - Not

Muscles for Justice said...

Here, too, unfurl my "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banner.