Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Black Hacks

It might be argued that it would be unfair to paint the entire NAACP with the same brush used to blot out the idiots seen to the left. However, they are part of the NAACP and are speaking on behalf of that organization. So what do they have to tell us? Well, that much like OJ, Michael Vick is being unfairly treated. In fact, we shouldn't conclude from Vick's admission of guilt that he is actually guilty. And, after he's sent to prison for this I'm-not-really-guilty-guilty plea he should be treated as if it never happened when he gets out. Give him back his job. Give him back his status in society. Give a brothah a break!
I'm not sure if there is any greater indicator that your organization no longer has any value than when it is reduced to defending humiliated ex-sports heroes. Wouldn't it be great if Mr. Vick could accomplish two august goals with his martyrdom: the end of hero worship for debauched men who can run fast and jump high and the end of the NAACP as the spokesmen for a group of people far better than they.

1 comment:

McGinty said...

You're in the red zone, but what's the rest of the NAACP's recent record?