Monday, August 06, 2007

Shambling to a Blog Near You

Susie Madrak needs help. She's a blogger. Now keep in mind that blogging requires a chair and at least one finger. The rigors of blogging are akin to the rigors of sun bathing. And yet to Susie this is "very intense - physically and mentally." If you ever needed a window into the union mentality, there it is. That which appears to be easy is actually very hard and, in fact, too hard for any one person to do. It takes a village to have a hobby.

Collectivism is the Cult of Incompetence. It is founded on one principle - You Can't. It is absurd.

Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
Look for the Union Label.


The Unknown Blogger said...

My two favorite comments:
"It would raise the professionalism," said Leslie Robinson, a writer at "Maybe we could get more jobs, bona fide jobs." Ahhh, yes "bona fide" jobs. Nothing says "credibility" like seeking "bona fides."

And, "Blogging is very intense - physically, mentally," she said. "You're constantly scanning for news. You're constantly trying to come up with information that you think will mobilize your readers. In the meantime, you're sitting at a computer and your ass is getting wider and your arm and neck and shoulder are wearing out because you're constantly using a mouse."

Reminds me of my time in Nam.

McGinty said...

OK. Imagine you're a coal miner trapped 1,500 feet underground; now imagine you're that same coal miner BLOGGING.

Yeah. NOW you get it.

pokey392 said...

Gotta love the smile and the Toughskins jeans on that striker!
Ooops arent they boycotting Sears also. Oh...Im sorry Toughskins were taken off the shelves many years ago.