Friday, October 22, 2004

Unknown Blogger adds to political vernacular, what did you do today?

Glad to see my RC and GC thing is catching on. Mr. Malone's (if that's his real name) argument gets circular. In the early part he makes the point that few GC's view the RC movement as a new form of Tyranny, but then later says that GC's are willing to except the the strengthening of the government under the RC's. A true conservative would not except "fight fire with fire" as either results in a loss for those who believe, like Regan, that the best government is a small government. But to the point of the tiff. Dick Armey joined forces with the ACLU over his concerns regarding the Patriot Act, TIPS, and other privacy issues, the Tampa Tribune, an extremely conservative news paper didn't endorse Bush, Former Kentucky Senator Cook, and a growing list of folks are not endorsing Bush. Yes, Clinton had his defectors, but they left over moral issues surrounding Lewinsky, not because of policy. Will the GOP fold? No. But after 4 years of total control the President is locked in a very close race. The question "why?" has to be asked. One would think that after having the House, the Senate, and the White House that this would be the time to see the unfettered vision of the GOP. If it resonated with the people this election should be a slam dunk, yet a wartime President is in danger of losing. I think it is because the GOP is split between the brilliantly titled RC's and GC's. There is not unfettered vision because the GOP can't decide what that vision is. After 4 years, what, domestically, can the GOP hold up and say "This is what the future of the US looks like under our leadership, isn't it grand!" Record spending? No. Larger government? Riiight. Lots of time spent on fines for talking about oral sex on the radio? Next question. Patriot Act? Hope not. No Child Left Behind? Underfunded, so no. Medicare reform that costs much more than expected? Geeze. Cut-backs in pork spending? Ha! Do I want a salad with my dinner? No. (oops, I was on a roll)What policy, what direction, domestically, has the GOP brought forward that the whole party can be proud of? During this entire election I haven't heard much about what was accomplished in the last 4. It's almost like Bush is running as a challenger. What can the GOP show me that excites me? Where' s the vision? This was showcase time. I'm reminded of Lord Acton's quote "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The GOP coalition was fine when it was focused on beating the Dems, but once they got it, I think the stitching broke. Sometimes it's easier to chase than to lead. I AM looking through actions to motives. I'm trying to figure out why there have been so few actions, and it looks like the reason is that the motives of the GOP are split. That's why I see the riff. The simple fact is that after 4 years of control, the GOP could lose the Presidency and the Senate. You have to wonder "why?" Yes, they may hold both, but any reading of the situation puts Iraq as the reason. Without it, Kerry wins in a blow-out. Which brings us back to 2008 is a lock. A Master lock, a big master lock. As for you portfolio, you invest like you vote. The more debt a company or President has the better in the Stalin Malone handbook.

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