Sunday, December 03, 2006

In related news, motorcycle helmets save lives.

A Columbia University study shows a correlation between contraception and the decrease in teen pregnancy. While I'm brimming with sarcastic remarks I'm hoping the data will suffice.

I'm also hoping that this study and others like will put an end to the "abstinence only" nonsense that's somehow gaining momentum. I've always felt the best policy was to teach abstinence as an option, using its strength as the only 100% method for both pregnancy and STDs. But its probably more important to educate kids on contraception. I get the appeal of assuming your kids aren't having sex, but they probably are, and I think the double whammy of, "You're having sex, and your pregnant!" is much worse than, "You're having sex!"

Abstinence only just doesn't work. It's a nice fantasy, but reality has a way of making itself known.

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