Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fight the Power

The mainstream media has finally joined the fight started by this cutting edge blog. That's right, as I reminded you yesterday we were first to mock the prophets of precipitation seven months ago. "Who do they think they are telling us how many hurricanes to expect?" we asked. Well, it now seems the arrogance of these self-appointed rainmakers runs much deeper than we first thought. Not only do they make laughable predictions, but they also fudge the data to game the predictions. Pete Rose and I hope each and everyone of these wicked weathermen receive a lifetime ban from the Weatherman Hall of Fame. But we have a feeling that these storm-chasing Chicken Littles will turn a blind eye to this whole sordid scandal because without credibility what will the Windy Wendys have left?

I have met the enemy, and his name is...meteorologist!

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