Sunday, August 20, 2006

Makes sense, given how well it worked out last time

According to this story, VP Dick Cheney is bypassing the CIA on information regarding Iran and instead relying on one of the guys he bypassed CIA intellegence for leading up to the Iraq war, Abram Shulsky. Two possible reasons for this. One, "It's different this time" or two, "Ok, so it was a disaster last time, but the idea is due, man, it's due!"

Later the article says:

"In the build-up to the Iraq war, Cheney relied on intelligence almost exclusively from the OSP, which leveled allegations that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. This was later debunked, but no OSP or DOD officials were held accountable for what many believe was a "deliberate effort" to mislead the nation into war."

No surprise here, there is no accountability in this White House. In fact, if you lucky enough to really screw up, you get a medal.

I have a hard time imagining we have the ability to invade Iran, much less the will, but I guess we'll see.

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