Sunday, November 06, 2005

On the Fence

Not me. Not when my grass is high, or my salad is short a vine ripe. Who's going to trim my tree? Him?

"Simply adding more border agents won't work unless there is one every hundred yards or so along the entire border. That would require between 150,000 and 200,000 agents and support personnel, rather than the 11,000 at present, and an annual budget of five to ten billion dollars.

A 2,000 mile state-of-the-art border fence has been estimated to cost between four and eight billion dollars."


The Unknown Blogger said...

I think it would look better if it was one of those hedge mazes. Only its rigged to always let you out on the Mexican/Canadian side. Visually appealing, and metally stimulating. I love the, we should also build a Northern fence once the southern one is up and running. Very prudent. Wouldn't want to look over eager, or impractical.

StalinMalone said...

I support the moat.