Friday, January 27, 2006

Christians Repenting?

Interesting article in the liberally biased, MSM like Christianity Today. Well, I'm not sure about that, but the article doesn't gush on and on about King George, and clearly tries to undermine both his Presidentcy and the War by mentioning 1) that his numbers among evangelicals is slipping (although the numbers are still where any politician would love to be) and 2) that the average daily US military casualties since fighting began are about 2.3. I know that Mr. Malone feels that any negative word about King George clearly comes from lying traitors who hate America, I thought the article was very interesting. I thought it did a good job with some decent numbers, and helped illuminate KING GEORGE's popularity, and why it should not be taken for granted the GOP or the Dems.

If the DNC was smart, and if I cried $100 bills, they would take the time to understand their opponent, look for common ground and isolate GOP weaknesses. Quit figting the GOP characterture. This is the problem with hatred, you wind up creating a mock enemy, and fighting the wrong fights. Never winning, and doomed to lose...hey look, that's what's happening. I'm starting a 1-900 number.

By the way, King George, King George, King George, King George, King George, King George, King George.

1 comment:

Muscles for Justice said...

I think the middle ground would be a Bono. Seriously. He's faith in action for common causes like sustenance and stability, with an eye wide open for big-tent, all-together fellowship. Bono is everything Edwards wishes he could be, and nothing like what's left of the Biffs.