Tuesday, January 31, 2006

More Sheehanigans

First, take time to absorb that title..."More Sheehanigans," its a gift, you can't teach that. I only wish Michael Moore could was involved, "Moore Sheehanigans" is gold.

Now on to the meat. Mrs. Sheehan was arrested for unlawful conduct for wearing some kind of anti-war t-shirt. Now, I get that she's controversial, but this is still America. Free Speech is still a right, and the House Gallery is definitely public space, so what is unlawful conduct as it relates to a t-shirt? Mind you, she wasn't yelling, sreaming, or causing a stir, she was wearing a t-shirt. Before, when King George would disallow public dissent and make people sign loyalty oaths, it was excused as ok because it was a political rally, not a governmental affair. But that can't be the case this time can it? Its the SOTU address, not a vote rally for the GOP. It certainly appears to be a creeping standard, or more frog boiling . Public space, t-shirt, arrested. No matter how you look at it, its certainly not "original intent." I say its creepy. I also get that there won't be much ado about this.

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