Friday, January 27, 2006

Duh Deficit

I know that some don't think that deficits matter, and that some think that "Webster" was the greatest show of all time (I'm looking at you M3K), but look at the GAO chart. It predicts that interest alone will eat up nearly as much of the GDP as the entire budget for 2004. Sweet. Granted projections matter less that the digital paper they're printed on, this is more to illustrate that this is not free money. It has to be paid back. Now, when I then read that CBO projects the 2006 deficit to be $337 billion and that the economy continues to struggle, with a 1.1% Q4/05 (but a projected 4+ Q1/06), it is troubling.

1 comment:

Muscles for Justice said...

Red deficit is the prettiest.