Monday, February 13, 2006

If I only had a brain

Read this interesting piece on student visas (yes I said interesting). Apparantly, the only way to get a student visa in the US is to promise to leave as soon as you get it. So, the thinking goes, "hey come here, get your PhD, maybe even on scholarhship, and then leave before the US can get any benefit of your new education. Hurry! Get out, we don't want your lousy highly educated kind sticking around. Go home, and give them the benefit of your knowledge, learned here, on our dime. If you don't we'll arrest and deport you." I'm no immigration expert, but I think all PhD's should be excempt from any immigration quotas. Period. We'll take you if you want to come and your smart and home working. Seriously, we want you.


StalinMalone said...

I'm smart and home working. What will you do for me?

The Unknown Blogger said...

Yeah, it should read "hard working." You can tell I'm neither smart or hard working. Maybe you should trade me in for a foreign PhD.