Friday, March 17, 2006

I don't know Stalin, polls like this are very, very accurate

Was reading an article about a federal court overturning an EPA decision to give power plants the ability ot circumvent the need to increase pollutant controls if they spend less than 20% of the plants worth on upgrades (currently, just about any upgrade triggers the need to add polutant fighting measures). Anyway, I like the ruling, lots of reasons, but mostly because its a very, very stupid allowance. There's no base line value, so if you add 20% value in one year, then next year your allowed to spend 20% of the new combined value. Year one on an $100 plant, you can spend $20. Year two, you can spend $24 (20% of $120), etc. They get to spend 20% of an ever increasing number. Bad wording, blatent attempt to circumvent the Clean Air Act. I agree with the court, if you want to get rid of the Clean Air Act, get congress to vote it down. Scalia says this all the time, and he's right.

Anyway, you can also take an interactive poll. At least this poll acknowledges that its "not scientific" at the bottom, but the wording on this was precious. Why, yes I do think money is more important than saving lives. Awesome. I can't figure out how to make the poll appear here, so you're going to have to see it for yourselves. I can't hold your hand through life anymore.

1 comment:

StalinMalone said...

The poll is laughable. But keep in mind there is a journalist and at least one editor of a "mainstream" publication who would say that was a fair and unbiased poll. And they also write fair and unbiased articles.