Friday, March 31, 2006

Well I'm glad the country came in second.

Couple of points from this article on immigration.

Tom Tancredo of Colorado: "I wish he'd think about the party and of course I also wish he'd think about the country." This couldn't state my problem with parties any better.

"The elite class in America is becoming a ruling class and they've made enough money by hiring cheap illegal labor that they think they also have some kind of a right to cheap servants to manicure their nails and their lawn, for example.

Steve King of Iowa, "So this ruling class, this new ruling class of America, is expanding a servant class in America at the expense of the middle class of America, the blue collar of America that used to be able to punch a time clock, buy a modest house and raise their families. ... Those young people are cut out of this process."

Wait, is this the GOP inciting class warfare? I thought one of the big GOP rallying cry against the dems was that the dems are always using class as a weapon. If the GOP is using the wildly successful democratic strategies, well, you just get the feeling that the wheels are coming off. It just good for the GOP that their competition is so inept. But if they keep stealing the good stuff, they may find themselves equal sooner rather than later.

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