Monday, March 27, 2006

A new buddy flick

Picture this, Unknown Blogger and Bush on the same team. Only in Hollywood right? Nope, I'm solidly with Bush on his guest worker program. Part of me thinks he's going to blow it with me, you know, more pretty words followed by actions that totally go against what he's set up, but like a moth to the flame, I'm drawn to his stance on this issue. My basic position is make work easy, make citizenship hard. Bush has a fight on his hands as the GOP wants to focus on keeping people out, a nearly impossible task that will only lead to more invasive laws. Not that a giant wall isn't invasive. How far we've come from Reagan saying "Tear down this wall!" Now its, "build this wall!" At least the Senate doesn't seem to be taking the insane wall thing up. The house also wanted to make it illegal to help people in need. Again, the Senate seems to be using some sense here. From the people, I love Cardinal Roger Mahoney. The man who was prepared to tell his priests to "violate the law banning humanitarian assistance, if it passed."

I don't understand this new immigration policy push. Not from an economic position. Not from a social position. And not from a humanitarian/moral position. I'm looking to Stalin to explain all this to me.

1 comment:

StalinMalone said...

Sure think, Lucy. I'll kick that football.