Wednesday, April 12, 2006

More tone deaf liberals

Yet another liberal has called the occupation of Iraq a mistake and calls for troop withdrawals.

“It was an enormous mistake for us to try to occupy that country after June of 2003. We have to pull back, and we have to recognize it.”

Newt Gingrich at a speach at the University of South Dakota



StalinMalone said...

This blog is becoming a bastion of the conventional media veiwpoint. Do you just think it's funny that republicans disagree with each other? Or are you now in agreement with Newt?

The Unknown Blogger said...

Actually, I thought this quote was interesting for a number of reasons. One, while you may not agree with polls, when a top Republican so overtly disagrees and directly opposes the key Bush doctrines (occupation was neccessary, right, and well handled, and we must not leave) this shows just how weak he's become. Early in his Presidency even Democrats lined up to back him, now a still powerful Republican is calling him out, in South Dakota. Its not like he was giving a speech in L.A. Your question about me thinking its "funny that republicans disagree" is rhetorical. But, keep in mind, for over 5 years, they didn't. Now Bush is heading into lame-duck time, with a party that is disagreeing on major issues for the first time. Again, I think that's interesting.
Two, when Iraq occupation and withdrawl is discussed among GOP, its usually those American hating liberals want us to fail, and withdrawl is a sign that they don't get it, are too dovish, etc. This is a pretty major break from that, by someone savvy enough to know that his statements will give cover to those on both sides of eisle who have been hammered on these points. I can just imagine Pelosi quoting Newt next time she goes to make this point, or more importantly, Hillary (there's a joke here about how the Dems two top people are girls, but I can't come up with it right now).
Third, I don't remember Newt saying these things in the past and there's no context here. Did he always think this, but just now decided to voice it (agian, bad for the Admin), did he just come to this conclusion (is this a harbinger of things to come within the party)? Yes, I wrote about the quote in a joking matter, but its because I'm tired of everyone who voices concerns, or ideas that are counter to Bush being labled as weak, treasonous, soft, Bush hating, America hating, etc. You can come to conclusions that run counter to someone else's logically. Yes, some are knee-jerk, but this is America, its your right.

For the record, I never supported withdrawl, I've repeatedly called for more troops in Iraq. Granted having me call for something is not quite like MLK calling for a boycott, but still...However, more troops will only be the answer for so long.

StalinMalone said...

There is no doubt that the Rebuplicans have mismanaged their time in the sun. I think an electoral chastisement will be very good for the conservative movement. It will be a hoot watching them stumble over themselves to try to figure out what the American people want to hear. Should we bash Iraq? The prescription drug benefit? UBlo? When you unhook yourself from principle you inevitabley come back to earth and usually with a thud.

Bush, hopefully, accomplished the most important charge of his administration by nominating two conservative justices. If he has, and if Iraq works out (we'll know in 5 to 10 years), he has been successful. His Democrat domestic policies can be undone if Americans decide to put conservatives in office in the future. Definately a mixed bag, but he has plenty of time to become effective again and regain his stature...not that I'm confident that that will happen.