Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Bin Landin wants to reunite the Rhineland!

"Bin laden and his terrorists' allies have made their intentions as clear as Lenin and Hitler before them," says Bush.

If I were Poland, I'd look out.

But what's interesting is that W says it's very clear what the terrorist's want, but then he doesn't say what the terrorist's want. He does say, "The question is `Will we listen? Will we pay attention to what these evil men say?"' But he doesn't mention what they're saying. Which leads me to the question, "what do the terrorists want?" And are we talking about just Al Qaeda, or all terrorists?

I pay some sort of attention to this, and I have to admit, I have no clear answer to the question. Yes, yes, they hate us, but hatred is hardly an "intent." And, yes Israel is a problem for them, but I've also heard that maybe Israel is a red herring. But even if getting rid of Israel is their clearly spoken intent, are we at war with Iraq to defend Israel? Do they want to destroy the US? I don't think I've heard that. I have heard that they want us to stop meddling in the region. I've also heard that Binny wants to take over Saudi, so maybe we're at war to protect the Saudi government and their territorial integrity. Neither Hilter nor Lenin were big fans of Democracy, maybe the terrorists want to overturn democracy? But there's only one real democracy in the region and that's Israel, so I'm not sure that's it. I'm honestly not trying to be coy here, I'm not sure I do know what the clearly spoken intent is of the terrorists, or even who constitutes the voices I should be hearing.

What I do know is that when someone tells me something is obvious, but doesn't tell me what it is, well, either they don't know or I'm being manipulated. It would be real easy for W to say, "The terrorists have made their intention clear, they want 'blank,' and we're not going to let them have it." But he didn't. He left a pause there for all of us to fill in and everyone could be right. Honestly (again with that word) I would have loved it if he filled it in, give me a reason, give me a solid "why," or just plain lead for crying out loud.

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