Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wait, they've sold 23,000 of those things?

Segway recalls 23,500 Segways.

First, the article says there's competition. I didn't even know there was a market for Segways, much less competition for the space.

Among Segway's competitors in the electronic vehicle market are the Japanese company Sanyo (Charts) and U.S.-based Zap (Charts)

I also liked,
There have been six reports where the scooter has not operated properly, resulting in head and wrist injuries for users

So first you have to explain that you actually own a Segway, then you have to say that you somehow hurt yourself on it. I'd pay money to be there for that conversation.

Finally, a quick comment on the pictures (which came from their website). No way, no how anyone like the guy on the right owns one. My bet is that most users look like the guy with the orange shirt on the left, only they're never that close to an actual girl.

1 comment:

StalinMalone said...
