Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sneaky Frist

These day's you always hear 'bout politicians "politicising the war." It's happened during every war going back at least as far as the Pelopennisian War, both sides do it (vote GOP or the terrorists will kill every American, starting with the children v. Dems smell blood in W's bad poll's and pounce-well "pounce" is a bit strong, more like "flail about wildly a litte more", yet people still get all lathered up about it. In the end, its mostly just rhetoric, it's expected and it's easy to ignore.

However, Frist pushed his pet project, an anti-internet gambling law into the Port Security bill, a law that could get no traction on its own. Very smooth. A vote against this big government, nanny state, special interest protecting, anti-capitalism bill would be used as "Senator X voted against Port Security" by their opponents. Plus, remember when the you could rely on the GOP to be for capitalism, small government, and killing the nanny state? When did they become the democrats?

Anyway, again, there's words and action. The same people who get all worked up over silly words, ignore real action. When Frist talks about the need to reign in pork and create more transparancy, remember this. But more importantly, when Republican's get upset and accuse the Democrats of politicising the war, remember the astounding hypocracy of their Republican Senate Majority Leader.

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