Friday, January 05, 2007


For all the ham-handed hypocrisy with which Nancy Pelosi opened the 110th Congress, and for as little as I care for most of her immediate plans for the House, much of what she and Harry Reid told Bush today has long been true: "We are well past the point of more troops for Iraq."

Not since World War II has a war been fought with more support from the electorate, and never has the nation's trust in its leadership been so utterly undeserved.

I believe "recalibrate" is the word the Bush administration has used for what I charitably will refer to as their Iraq strategy; and it's a word they only used after the election, almost 3,000 Americans too late.

I give the Congressional leadership credit for raising the political stakes in earnest, and perhaps higher than some of their senior members, such as Carl Levin, are willing to play for. The "put up or shut up" moment for Democrats, however, arrives when they must choose between spending more for the war and hearing in '08 that they hate our troops.

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