Thursday, April 19, 2007

France Deserves Segolene

I always love the story about the parent who, upon finding his kid smoking, demands that he smoke an entire pack of cigarettes as punishment. "You think that's what you want, huh? Well, let's see if that's so." The idea is Biblical. The Israelites wanted a king. God said, "You don't want a king." The Israelites said, "No seriously, give us a king." God said, "Ok, best of luck with your king." And guess what...things didn't go so well for the pro-king crowd. As long as the consequences aren't deadly, it is usually best to let someone learn that a choice is bad by allowing them to experience the consequences.

So, we move to France. France is a country in severe decline. Their economy has been stagnant for years. Their tight, left-wing labor markets have already resulted in 3 major riots in as many years and there are signs of more to come. Without their UN veto they would have no influence on the international stage. They are just about irrelevant. And still they demand a king (or in this case a queen). The best thing for France in the long run will be to elect Segolene and allow her to speed up the death of "modern" France. The inevitable failure that will result from her defunct ideas will almost certainly turn enough people away in disgust that a rebirth must follow.

Swollow the bitter pill now to kill the disease in the future. Easy for me to say...I won't have to live with her silly socialism.

Viva Le France. Viva Le Segolene. Viva Le Change...eventually.

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