Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I Like Bono

Let me just say that I completely believe that Bono's heart is in the right place. The guy is sincere and willing to do some dirty work to accomplish something he believes in. For that, Bono deserves respect. It's just too bad that he's wrong.

Nothing is as well established as the fact that hand outs accomplish very little. Free money has been poring into Africa for decades and the result? Well, poor Bono has to be dragged away from his song writing to fix the problems all over again. It is amazing how long people will stick with a failed plan. In this case, I think the reasons are pretty clear. People give because it makes them feel better, not because they are accomplishing anything. You can write your check and then pat yourself on the back...mission accomplished. I don't mean to denigrate the givers. Giving money to others is a wonderful discipline to practice. But, that doesn't mean you shouldn't make efforts to make sure the money is used effectively. I'm not convinced throwing $1,000.00 out of your car as you drive down the street is as beneficial as, say using that money to help someone get an education. It's not the money that solves a problem, it's the USE of the money.
The way out for Africa is very simple. Increase economic activity by encouraging free enterprise and reducing trade barriers...that's right, globalization. Globalization has lead millions out of poverty in Asia despite what the confused anti-Globalization crowd says. Africa deserves the same benefits as other developing nations who are plugged into the world markets. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. I do not question Bono's heart, but I do question his head. Seeking more money for nothing is wrong.

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