Sunday, January 27, 2008


I'm setting up a business advice hot-line. As a teaser, once again I'm putting out some free advice for big business. Last time it was Detroit, but they didn't listen.

Now I'm going to try to help Sony and Toshiba and their Blu-Ray, HD DVD format battle. Let me look into my crystal dollar bill. Lets see...Oh I see it. My advice? Sell, sell, sell the technology to whatever sucker you can find. Pssssst, call Detroit, they're alway looking backwards.

Why you ask? Simple, DVD's are a dead technology. Whoever wins the format "battle" loses. Apple TV, Amazon Unbox, Netflix direct and the rest are all going to stream movies directly to the consumer's TV. There's no way to make back the development and marketing costs as this whole thing has maybe, maybe a two year window.

Which means dear consumer, don't waste your hard earned dough on this new technology. Wait just a sec and you'll get HD movies via the internet, format be damned.

Cool huh?

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