Thursday, January 31, 2008

Free Market Gun Control has a very interesting article about Credit Card companies that will no longer allow charges for a particular gun dealer. Now, since I hand carve all my muskets including "Mickey," "Annette," and "Minnie" this won't affect me, but while I was a smokin' my corn cob pipe at the ol' waterin' hole it occurred to me that this here's a right interestin' idear.

Rather than try to go through Congress and mess with that pesky Second Amendment, use the market. See, while this particular throw down is between Citi Merchants and Texas' own CDNN Sports and their head honcho, Charlie Crawford, the precedent is very intriguing. No way, no how do I support an intrusion on the Second Amendment, but I also no way, no how have a beef with a company electing to not extend credit services to merchants who sell guns. That's the market. So to my friends who favor stricter gun control I offer this suggestion, rather than fight the US Constitution, why not work with sympathetic companies to try to find your solution? Credit card companies, per this example, have massive power to legally restrict gun sales, use it. Stores run on credit, that leverage gives the credit issuer the ability to restrict sales in general, restrict sales in particular or outright stop them.

Granted this is not a slam dunk, but at least you can take your fight to the market, build support, gain funding, etc all the while leaving the US Constitution alone. Not only that, but any success is direct and immediate. Fighting your cause this way also takes people like me out of the "opposition" side and may even get some who don't like guns but like the US Constitution on your side. In either case, you've decreased the number of those who oppose your goal. That's good right?

Now I got to get back to the still...


Taylor Norrish said...

An easy way to get involved in second amendment issues is on govit.

You can vote on gun control legislation, and have your vote instantly sent to your reps.

Check it out...'s_access_to_firearms/

McGinty said...

Any beef with a company electing to not extend medical services to needle-sharing street junkies?