Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Slate Readers are Soooooo Behind

Congratulations again, dear H-Blog reader, for being ahead of the MSM (here meaning "Mighty Slow Media").

Main article of has an article about Gov Mike Huckabee's comments on South Carolina's affection for the Confederate Flag. The writer was one Mr Christopher Hitchens. Why am I boring you with this?

Wellllll, Hydrablog covered this subject over a YEAR ago. Long time readers (Hi Ma) have known the ins and outs of this topic way before the pointy headed geeks who read Slate. Proving that Hitch steals from us while dissing Huck,

The political flag of the Confederacy—the so-called "Stars and Bars"—is one thing. The battle flag of the Confederate army, the most militant symbolic form that secession and slavery ever took, is quite another. Under this fiery cross of St. Andrew, the state of Pennsylvania was invaded and free Americans were rounded up and re-enslaved. Under this same cross, it was announced that any Union officer commanding freed-slave soldiers, or any of his men, would be executed if captured.
Hmmmm, excellent point. Let's see if the H-Blog picked up on this a YEAR ago.
Here's my issue. The battle flag of the Confederacy is an open sign of rebellion, of violence against the state. Its also a symbol of division and a flag under which many people killed and died in an effort to forcibly divide the Union....Thus I suggest that SC fly the actual national flag of the Confederacy at the memorial. It honors the soldiers, keeps history alive, educates folks, yet doesn't suggest that violent hostility towards the Nation is good, and it doesn't give the KKK and WS' anything to brag about.
Oh, goody, we did.

An asterisk somewhere noting H-Blogs groundbreaking analysis of this issue would have been nice.

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