Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Foreclosures Silver Lining

Looking beyond the Silver Rainbow *(you won't know if you're coming or going) at foreclosures, sure they're killing the economy, yes they're up 75% (hey, at least some segment of the market is up, right?), sure you lost your shot at the American dream, OK you have to move, yes now you're credit is ruined and the cross default provision in your credit card agreement is killing your interest rate, but don't be so "me" oriented.

One man's trash is another man's treasure! First, a little back story. WJS asks how to recession proof your job. Interesting reading, and they left of the tried and true, "Be an apple polisher " (we're a family blog, you can use another term if you wish). But the WSJ left off a biggie...

Work for the Government. Yup, can't beat working in an industry with unlimited revenue. No one says, "ooooh, times are tough, where can we cut back. OK, we'll set the thermostat to 68, only go out to dinner twice a month, and go with basic cable. Oh, and lets not pay taxes. There, now we can keep the house." Which brings us to Colorado's latest move (and finally, the point of this little post).

Due to the high number of people losing their homes, how very inconvenient for everyone, the Colorado Senate has decided to give those poor saps who handle foreclosure auctions** a raise. Hooray! Foreclosure's bad for you, but good for the person who deals in your misery. See, like Jerry Seinfeld, it allllll balances out. So when you're thinking about how bad things are for you, get off the "me train" at big picture station and rest happy (but not in your home) in the idea that you created the extra work that led to the extra pay of another person. It's like Christmas (but again, not in your home).

But, just for kicks lets look back at that WSJ article and compare private industry tactics with Government work.

  • WSJ says, "work harder." Government says, "working harder, poor little fella, here's a raise."
  • WSJ says, "be a good sport. Do extra work." Government says, "doing extra work, well surely you need extra pay."
  • WSJ says, "take a pay cut." Government says, "hah, what are you kidding me? A pay what? Here, take more money."
Wow, I knew Murdoch would hurt the WSJ's reporting but this is ridiculous. They missed the easiest and most surefire way to not only survive a recession but to actually prosper. Go to work for the Government. Look around, who else is talking about raises in this economy? Looks like I owe my more liberal friends and apology, Government really is the answer.

*Only you know if you should be pumped or sad if you actually knew this reference...

**A free subscription to the H-Blog to any reader who can tell my why the State of Colorado handles these auctions and not the private market anyway.

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