Thursday, December 15, 2005

Because I love Stalin Malone

Just thought I'd give Mr. Malone a chance to whip up on me and 0ne of his favorite targets at the same time. Call it an early Christmas gift.

Sen. Clinton has joined the mutitude of the bizzare who seek to protect image of the country while destroying it from the inside. She co-sponsored an anti-flag burning law. Apparantly she, like so many others like her, is completely igorant of this country's birth and the power of the principles of freedom. I would never endorse such a bill, and I oppose the constitutional amendment that is surely coming. I just don't get these laws. Is there some epidemic of flag burning I'm unaware of? Is anyone being caused any real harm by this? (I get that Mr. Malone may feel that the harm in watching a flag being burned is the same as watching his family being tortured, you know six of one... But I still don't accept that). In any case, I view these flag burning laws the same way Mr. Malone views Murtha's comments. Blatant pandering for personal political gain, at the expense of the nation as a whole.

1 comment:

StalinMalone said...

Murtha's pandering is at the expense of the men and women who have volunteered to risk death to defend the rest of us and serves to strengthen their enemies. The Anti-Conflagrates are at worst annoying. If I stand accused of comparing the incomparable then I am not alone.