Monday, December 12, 2005

Great Strategy

Frist is saying he will use the "nuclear option" if the Dem's filibuster Ailito. It's a great move. While I haven't heard any real credible discussion about the Dem's filibustering Ailito, it allows Frist to look strong facing the dems, and readdress a sore spot in his tenure as Majority Leader. I don't mean this facetiously. Creating an enemy and fighting him is a great way to get your feet when you're struggling. It all depends on the dems and how they respond. They quickly, and predictably, did. And the response is perfect. Rather than treating it as a non-issue and trying to make him look silly, they've fallen all over themselves to fight back. The imaginary became real. Now Frist has an issue he framed, on his timetable, and one that he's sure to win. That's just solid politics.

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