Thursday, July 20, 2006

Knock Knock

Cato has an interactive webpage showing paramilitary style no-knock invasions of private houses laid out against a map of the US. I hope they at least stop to wipe their feet on the Fourth Amendment on the way in*. It's also interesting to note that, to the best of my knowledge, no one was penalized, charged, or reprimanded in any of the cases involving "wrong addresses" even when they resulted in the death of an innocent. If you want to dig deeper, Radley Balco has been following this closely on his site,

*My attempt at inflamatory rhetoric. I have to work on it, but thought I'd get some quick practice in.


Muscles for Justice said...

An officer of our acquaintnace calls this the "muscleheading" of law enforcement.

My sampling from 2003 suggests many of the raids were conducted on the basis of apparantly unfounded narcotics-related suspicions that would have been worth a knock for those on either side of the door.

I go back and forth on the merits of drug enforcement (essentially, I'm a NIMBY), but "drug war" tactics surely will solve nothing.

The Unknown Blogger said...
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The Unknown Blogger said...

I've got a long post brewing on drug enforcement (I don't want to spoil the surprise but I'm largely against it), and I agree that "drug war" tactics have gotten completely out of line.