Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Don't Believe the Hype

The great myth of science is that it settles disputes by revealing the facts about our world. The reality of science is that it is just another player in the world of opinion shaping. A world where opinions are standards that rally followers. And just another interest group lined up for government handouts. We hear calls from the cult of science that demand embryonic stem cell research saying it is THE cure for so many of our afflictions. Of course it is, just like Marlboro is THE smoke for any manly man. If you disagree with the Marlboro Man you're a wuss; if you disagree with the embryonic stem cell crowd, you're religious kook. This is the marketing of opinion, not the revelation of science.

The reality is that adult stem cell research has been yielding fruit for over a decade while embryonic stem cell research has yet to lead to a single successful therapy. Is this sufficient reason to defund all embryonic stem cell research? Of course not. But it absolutely should make you wonder why we hear so little about adult stem cell successes and so much about embryonic stem cell promises. Embryonic stem cell research is justifiably offensive to millions of Americans. Adult stem cell research is not. And seeing as there is no reason to believe that adult stem cells won't provide us all the benefits of embryonic cells that is where we should be focusing our efforts.

Bush provided a reasonable compromise. Scientists can continue to research on current lines, but more subjects will not be provided. However, the already successful road of adult stem cells is wide open. The controversial is allowed but restricted, the reasonable is encouraged if not promoted. Well done.

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