Friday, June 29, 2007

Whose the Problem?

Farfour the Muslim Mouse is dead. He was killed by the brutal forces of Israel. And, sadly, his execution was televised for all to see. And, even more sadly, it was televised explicitly for children to see. Who would do such a terrible thing to innocent children? Wicked Israel? No. Their parents who are supporters of Hamas.
I'm not sure anything quite so clearly shows the difference between "them" and "us". Sure the Palestinian terrorists have been murdering Israeli civilians for years. But the Europeans and many of our enlightened "intellectuals" have found it easy to explain that away as freedom fighting or the consequences of Israeli oppression. But how flexible must your morality be to consider the murdering of children's characters in front of an audience of children as anything other than complete depravity? And keep in mind, this is not the work of some fringe extremist group, these people are the popularly elected leaders of Palestine (if you believe there is such a place)! If this is Islam, then Islam should be done away with. If it isn't, then true Muslims need to get off their moral rear ends and start fighting against this continuing degrading of Islamic culture by people, who, if they worship anything, must worship a demon.
Nothing is more clear than who the good guys are and who the bad guys are in the Middle East Problem. If you ever find yourself sympathizing with Hamas for any reason, please, seek counseling. You may not actually be evil, you may just be confused.

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