Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Yet Another Reason Why Tom Brady Is Not That Bright

So you think Tom Brady is a genius in the mold of Steve Young? If the last two playoff games of '06 weren't enough to change your tune (he won one of them, but didn't deserve to), then how about this. There is a reason why super models aren't allowed to teach college courses. There is also a reason why they aren't allowed to be spokespeople for substantive causes. "Today, no one is a virgin when they get married" as a public statement will help you understand why. Clearly, Gisele isn't going to be putting together any complicated puzzles in the near future (she may need a little help opening her Happy Meals as well). So who signs up for endless evenings of conversation with her? Stephen Hawking? No. Tom Brady. There may be a few reasons to put Gisele in your five, but stimulating intellectual conversation ain't one of 'em. The evidence just keeps mounting against simple Tom.


The Unknown Blogger said...

I think you're missing the point. He's dating a supermodel who's basically telling everyone that she puts out. The message is, "Hey everyone, I'm a star quarterback, I've won three Super Bowls, and I'm sleeping with a supermodel. Suck on that...losers!"


StalinMalone said...

I'm not sure it's necessary for a super model to say she puts out. Hey-ooo.

Anonymous said...

Tom cannot be bright at all!! Didn't Tom say he was attracted to "intelligent, funny, smart .... women?" Gisle is as dumb as a doorknob!! Obviously, Tom and Gisele don't do much talking during their "alone" time. He would have to realize how stupid she actually is if they did! I can only hope and pray that one day he will regret leaving Bridget and his unborn child for this bimbo.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, I'm thinkin he ain't with this chick for talking. And considering his activities of late, not to mention his own stupid comments to the press, he's not exactly going to have to worry about any acceptance speech's for a Nobel prize any time soon either. Hopefully his kid'll take after it's Mama.

Anonymous said...

Tom Brady is an idiot who is screwing an even bigger idiot. 'nough said.

Anonymous said...

I like to refer to Tom & Gisele as the Airhead & The Fathead. Or how about the Gruesome Twosome. Here's a lively blog site on them:

Anonymous said...

You could blame Brady for allowing his current girlfriend to insult his dumped baby momma? What man allows his girlfriend to insult his baby's momma?
Gisele loves to drop hints like:
"I would like to get married one day an then ask my hubby whether having a child." == practically calling Bridget a slut for having a child out of wedlock.
"If a woman is emotionally or financially not fit to raise a child she should be allowed to have an abortion." == means, Gisele "advises" Bridget to better have (had) an abortion.
Gisele is also responsible for all those rumours about her own impending pregnancy. Imagine how it feels when you are the pregnant single dumped ex-girlfriend and your former boyfriend's new girlfriend is rumoured to be pregnant. Gisele took her time to deny those rumours.
Same with the marriage rumours about Gisele and Tom.
Or about the photos. Yes, even when you are celebrities, you can take care to fly under radar, especially in Europe, where no one cares about american football. Most european countries don't even have american football teams so they do not care about US footballstars. All european countries LOVE soccer. But Gisele and/or ensured that they were be photographed in Paris, in Milan, in several clubs and even in a museum!!!!!

Tom has also taken his time acknowledging his impending fatherhood and he did not sound as if he was even the least bit interested in the baby. He and Bridget had sex. It takes two to tango. And now they are having a baby. Every parent is expected to care for his/her offspring. Tom clearly doesn't.
As he is a celebrity and a role model and because it is discussed in the media IT DOES MATTER. It is not just a private thing. Tom needs to be bashed because people form their moral standards according to what they see/hear. And because we are living in the media age Tom's fatherhood and his behaviour is discussed in the media. Tom's behaviour must not be acceptet in public because there is the danger that this kind of behaviour becomes accepted. It must not happen.

No questions or doubts on Tom's performance on the field.
But OFF the field he behaves like an impeccable ar*ewho*e.

Anonymous said...

Bridget made some money somewhere along the line, so I don't see why Tom has to be involved in her or the baby's life. This sounds a lot like the standard man-trapping activities of a woman on the way out who conveniently "forgets" to take her pill(s). Please. She chose to have it, enjoy. She can vacuum Tom's pockets for the child support payments (of COURSE Johnny/Amy needs $14K per month upkeep!) as is her due right under the law, but Tom shouldn't allow her to vacuum his soul as well.

I'd agree, Tom is a friggin' idiot for not putting his man-paste on freeze and then getting a vasectomy. No doubt about it. But hating on him for preferring to plow Gisele (or anyone else he pleases, quite frankly) is just that: hating. Period.

Enjoy your day!