Monday, May 15, 2006

Like I said, Watch this very closely

Bush wants to militarize the border with Mexico by sending 5000 non-border troops to the southern border. First, I want to express my dismay with W on this. I originally hoped that he would lead his party to a rational conclusion on immigration because he seemed to really care for and understand the immigration issue. What I should have realized is that it's very difficult for a man with no principles to stand on them. My bad.

So now we're going to send 5000 troops to the border. They won't make arrests, detain, etc and will only be used to help with surveillance. They also will only be there while the border control gets beefed up. My prediction, more troops over time, with an increased role for those troops. But beyond that is the question, "why?" As I've stated before, this is a created issue. Why all this hype and urgency? Yes, people are coming over illegally. No question, but is a wall, or thousands of US troops the answer. Millions of people speed every day, should we post military personnel along the nation's highways? Unemployments hovers around 5%, clearly if you want a job you can find one. Where is the harm that requires these kind of ideas? Are we really at the point where an implied, hyped, or imagined issue merits troop movements? This is blatent poll politics from Bush. Are GOP politicians really willing to send the National Guard in to help ratings, or score political points on an issue they created?

Well, at least one is. In a quote that takes the already pathetic Frist to the head of the class of low-life politicians, he says, "lawmakers who doubt that the National Guard, whose members have served for years in Iraq and went to the Gulf Coast after last summer’s hurricanes, could take on border patrol duty are “whining” and “moaning.”" He sure seems to be taking the awsome responsiblity of troop movements and the impact on them and their families very seriously. When I look at the political parties in this country and their leaders, Frist, Pelosi, Hastert, Reid and Bush, its no surpirse that only three in 10 Americans think either party, or their leaders is worth a damn.

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