W agrees with UBlogger, dissing love lorn supporter Malone in process
Awhile back, there was a debate on this blog about the NSA wiretapping scandal (my post, I can call it what I want). It has now moved from the metaphorical to the actual. Now that the phone companies have given your complete phone records over the the Feds, sans warrant, judicial oversight, or even a second thought, to monitor your every call, and patterns, can we all agree that W feels as I said, which is to make sure you spy on the bad guys, you have to spy on the entire population? Can we also agree that there is nothing "limited" about his intentions? Tack on this little tid-bit (here's the original story), and you can almost watch the Fightin' Fourth get slaughtered. It's like the Bushies are rail-car hunters gunning down Fourth Amendment Buffalo's across the praries of the midwest in some "strategy" to rid the area of hostiles.
I'll be back, I have to change the tinfoil on my head.
OK. So the government now has access to the very same data that up until this point We The People wisely entrusted only to Verizon and AT&T. I can't believe I held out as long as I did. Does any type of foil work or do I need to stick with brand names?
Keep these two points in mind:
One, AT&T does not have the ability to arrest, detain, or confiscate, the government does.
Two, I re-read the Constitution, no where does it mention what AT&T can, or can't do. Oddly, the document is filled with things the government can and can't do.
While the "separation clause" get's lots of attention, the entire Constitution is bascially a document of separation of the government from the people. I, personally, think of it as the rule book for our country. I expect those who take oaths to uphold it to do so despite personal agendas, desires, and most importantly, fears.
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