Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6/6/06 is a sign of the apocolypse...

...for one political party, but no one know's which one.

Special election today in CA. MSNBC is calling this race an indicator of the mid-term elections coming up in November. My take, using the scientifically unassailable, "as far as I can remember" these types of "forcasts" just aren't real accurate. It seems like everytime there's some sort of election before a general election, wonks get all worked up, tell us what it means, and are then wrong when the normal election comes.

But just for fun. This particular harbinger, which, whichever side wins will cliam either: The dems are poised to take over one, or both of the House and Senate, or that the GOP is still strong and all this talk of a dem "revolution" is all fluff. The media will fuel either scenario (see article), and this election will have powers that go well beyond its real impact.

Keep this in mind. This is an election for Republican Duke Cunningham's seat. He's now in jail for accepting bribes. This is not what one would call a "neutral" election scenario and is a big plus for the dems. It's also getting a lot more money and press than a neutral election which skews the vote, a wash. Finally, the whole nation isn't voting, just this district. A solid, solid GOP district, a big plus for the GOP. In any case, this is not a quality sample under any method for polling the nation on their votes in Novemeber. Scientifically, this "sample" would be laughed out of any journal supposing to report an "knowledge" based on the election.

But I think the more interesting "poll" is that this election is a proxy on God. Since the GOP is God's party, will he reward them with a victory and smite the dems? Or will the Godless party be victorious on 666? Hmmmmm?

1 comment:

anne altman said...

i thought God hated dems, no?