Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sniff, Sniff. Ahhhh, the sweet stink of election season

It must be election season. Facing an increasingly unpopular war, unrestrained spending, the fact that after 6 years Binny is still on the loose, scandals at every turn including big issues for Rove and Cheney, W's First it was immigration, but that's kind of backfired, so it was back to the old stand-by. "Hey, look over there, gay people!" The good news is that passage of a constitutional amendment against US citizens looks to have less chance of passing then two years ago, the bad news is that the issue is still in play.

W say's, "As this debate goes forward, we must remember that every American deserves to be treated with tolerance, respect and dignity." Just not with equality.

I really hope we've weathered the storm on this issue, but you never know. Immigration wasn't on anyone's radar until the GOP made an issue out of it and gays are a much easier target. Once the Rove Hate Machine gets rolling, it's very possible that tide could turn again.

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