Sunday, June 04, 2006

The short end of the stick

So much to discuss about Nebraska Judge Kristine Cecava's decision to not jail a 5'1" sex offender because the guy may "not survive state prison." And, "I truly hope that my bet on you being OK out in society isn't misplaced. It's very hard to keep you in society when I know the risk is another child getting hurt." Wow. See, I thought prison was where you send people who are dangerous to society. Just so I understand, she's worried about this sick, demented demon in prison, and she's worried about children if he's not in prison. And tie on the "potential hurt-o-meter" went to the pervert. She's obviously a very bright person. Also, just to get this out of the way, I'm sure that the 12 year old girl he's charged with molesting wasn't very small at all. Bastard. Also, I'm protecting this entire post under a "rant disclaimer."

Now on to the other points. One, even the ACLU was surprised at the verdict. Local staffer says, "Using Thompson's height as a reason to avoid sending him to prison is surprising, because neither the U.S. nor state constitution provides protections based on physical stature."

Then, and this was particularly interesting, Joe Mangano, secretary of the National Organization of Short Statured Adults, agreed with the judge's assessment that...wait, there's a "National Organization of Short Statured Adults?" Seriously? And what's with "Short Statured?" I mean once you put "short" in the title, why do you need "statured?" If you don't want to say "short people" don't use the word short. Plus, that's some solid reporting to even think such a group existed, much less track down a quote.

So I did some digging. None of the listed official web-sites worked so here's what I could find. This venerable organization, founded during the height of the anit-short backlash, riots, and marches that rocked the nation in 2005 the "National Organization of Short Statured Adults or NOSSA is a non-profit, membership organization of men 5 foot 7 inches and below and women 5 foot 2 inches and below in height. NOSSA is a united organization of short men and women from around the globe, committed to opposing heightism in society, providing a supportive environment in which to share experiences, and promoting the message of self-empowerment for all of its members." That same heightism that held billionare presidential candidate Ross Perot back. Or Bob Rubin? Or Rudy? But more alarmingly I qualify. What the hell? I've had a support group for the last year and I didn't even know about it? I had people that I could rage against the terror of heightism with. Here I thought my only outlet and support for my massive deficientcy of being 5'7" was this blog. Now I know that I do have friends who understand my pain. Now I know who to pitch my inspirational movie, "Climbing the Mountain, One man's journey to the top in a Heightist America" of the week to. I just didn't know I had a title. Can I start claiming things. Like first Short Statured American to climb various mountains?

I just feel bad for Stalin. Getting beat on the basketball court by a darwinian nightmare like myself must be painful. Lets face it, it's inspirational every time I step onto that heightist regime's torture zone-I mean, just overcoming the pain of facing my physical demons is victory enough, but dropping that winning shot? Man-o-man. Maybe you could start your own National Group of Basketball Players Stomped by Short Statured Americans.

Anyway, back to the case. Apparantly this guy Manago is a bit of a loose cannon. NOSSA dropped him and disavowed his statements. See, we're short-statured, not short-smarted.

As a final follow-up, local citizens are calling for Cecava'sresignation. I hope they win. Plus, she's up for election in 2008. Let's hope she goes home.

As for the child-molester. I want to be clear, I don't want him to go to prison so he can "feel what it's like" or any other such ideas. That's not justice, but he needs to be held in a cell where he's not near any innocent and vulnerable children. That's why we have prison. Let's use it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Though I agree with your comments about the short child molester, I disagree with your comments in regards to NOSSA. From my understanding, the website for NOSSA crashed when the story came out because of the flood of people who visited upon the server after this story came out. They do have a website, members, and I understand that they have a podcast coming soon.

If you would put down your guard for a second, take a look at this website ( to learn more about heightism. Additionally, naming some rich short people says nothing about the existence of heightism, anymore than trying to use Oprah to argue that racism does not exist.
