Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Here we go again...

A radical San Francisco judge overturned the will of the people because of his personal beliefs. When with these renegade judges quit legislating from the bench? When will Judge Warren and his liberal cronies at the NRA get out of the way of the democratic process? It's just a shame that these lefties can't abide by the will of the people and instead run off to activist judges to get their way.

"We're disappointed that the court has denied the right of voters to enact a reasonable, narrowly tailored restriction on handgun possession," Dorsey said. "San Francisco voters spoke loud and clear on the issue of gun violence." (and won with a crushing 58% vote).

1 comment:

StalinMalone said...

So is the judge's legal argument sound or not? That is the crux of the debate that you have only dipped a pinky toe into here. Although you are trying to imply it, the other side doesn't fault judges soley for thwarting the will of the people. The criticism is that "activist judges" use questionable jurisprudence to impose their opinions. If the legal arguments used by this judge are of that variety then you may have made a good point. However, the article states that a similar law was illegal in '82 for the same reasons being used now. This would imply that the judge is correct and the voters aren't. If that is true, then your point misses the mark.