Tuesday, June 20, 2006

"We will not give our government over to the Taliban, no matter the cost!"

I'm trying my hand at creating an issue to be defiant and patriotic over. Since Sen Frist has declared that "We cannot surrender" in Iraq. I also like, "I will not allow our women and children to become slaves in a new Saddam Hussein regime. I will fight to my last breath to thwart Democratic indifference on this!"

"Surrender" I love it. Can you imagine Bush signing the surrender document with the 100 little pens they use when signing important things. And whoever leads the Iraqi's solemnly standing over Bush's quivering hand, and jubulantly accepting terms. Would it be held on an Iraqi fishing boat? Or is Frist referring to surrendering to the insurgants? But since Zaquari is dead, who would recieve our white flag? Would Iraq get control of the enire US, or just the parts that voted for Democrats? I need to know what the stakes of Frist's "surrender."


Muscles for Justice said...

"The only way to restore protection to the flag is to amend the Constitution."

--Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D), CA

The Unknown Blogger said...

I assume she's referring to the white one the Dems wave every election cycle.