Saturday, October 14, 2006

Now Kim will face the full force of a world united against him!

The net punishment for North Korea's Kim Jong Il for developing and testing nukes (along with the testing long range delivery systems) is..."a little diet."

Ohhhhh man, and I thought W was crazy mad with his pro-torture beliefs, but now I've seen just how far this man is willing to go to defend this country. I'm not ashamed to say that I'm scared for those that would harm us. That's right yo, W slapped a ban on luxury goods on Kim - KAPOW. W hit Kim so hard Kim's ma-ma cried.

That's right folks. The US response to North Korea going nuclear was a UN Security Council resolution that creates sanctions on luxury goods. Yup, now it will be somwhat harder for Kim to enjoy a nice glass of chianti as he plots his next move. OK, it looks stupid and feeble at first glance, but it's subtle. Wine is linked to lower heart disease. Keeping Kim from having any access to those potent anti-oxidants will likely shorten his life. See, it's brilliant! All America's enemies will get encouraged by Kim thumbing his nose at W, but they will be missing the diabolically clever move of slowly working on his heart. Then it will be their turn

Earlier Saturday President Bush urged the adoption of a "strong" U.N. Security Council resolution, saying "peace and security in northeast Asia and a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula" are the goals. "We will do what is necessary to achieve these goals. We will support our allies in the region. We will work with the United Nations, and together we will ensure that North Korea faces real consequences if it continues down its current path," Bush said in his weekly radio address.
That's right folks, the gloves are off. Next up? A ban on superhero action figures.

Oh God, just saying it scares me.

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