Friday, October 06, 2006


Looks like the Foley ads are starting to run. I don't think they're a good idea. But as to why this particular ad is neccessary, from the write up.

Former Rep. Baron Hill, D-Indiana, criticizes Rep. Mike Sodrel, R-Indiana, for refusing to return $77,000 in campaign contributions "from the House leadership who knew about but did nothing to stop sexual predator Congressman Foley.

I can see going after Dennis Hastert or Tom Reynolds, but this guy? From the looks of it he's just some random congressman who happens to be Republican. The ad's not saying he was involved in a cover-up, or that he even knew of anything. Sodrel's "link" to Foley, according to folks from the Hill camp is,
"Basically, our point is there is a crisis in leadership and Mike Sodrel isn't doing anything about it," she said. "He is part of the problem."

Ham fisted at best, but mostly yucky. The dems need to be real careful here. If I was anywhere close to fence in this race I would move into the Sodrel camp. The thing is, Hill was up in a poll on September 17, as "53 percent of voters said they would vote for Democrat Baron Hill; 42 percent said they would vote for Rep. Mike Sodrel, R-9th." An stupid move on Hill's part. He's up, the Foley thing is national news so it has to be hurting Sodrel, so there's no need to get involved. Just let things work. This ad can only backfire, and I hope it does.


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