Friday, May 18, 2007

Little Brother is Watching Them.

The City of Denver will pay Evan Herzoff $8,500 because Mr Herzoff was arrested for asking Police Officer Jeffrey Morgan for his business card. Apparently,

Herzoff was walking home April 8, 2006, when he saw police arresting an individual. He filmed the arrest with a small camera and was approached by Officer Jeffrey Morgan, who asked Herzoff for his identification.

Morgan examined Herzoff's ID and was told he was free to leave. When Herzoff asked Morgan for his business card, Herzoff was handcuffed, arrested and forced to spend a night in jail.

Mr Herzoff is a volunteer with a group called Copwatch.

Again, this is an example of how technology can increase democracy. Copwatch could not exist without the internet. A random event in Denver, hits the world, and this blog because of said internet. City organizations now know that they face immediate and complete scrutiny of their actions and have to act accordingly, which only helps the citizens. Cameras are getting smaller and better (not to mention camera phones) which enable everyone to be a reporter, and again, the internet gives everyone a venue.

Bottom line, I don't think Mr Herzoff would have received his $8,500 30 years ago. Lots of people are afraid of technology, fearing that the government will use it to increase its power. In reality, time and again, governments fear technology because it erodes their power.


Muscles for Justice said...

Excellent post.

Anonymous said...

You can see the video of the incident here: