Saturday, May 05, 2007

The NRA supports Terrorists!

No they don't, they support you and your rights under the Constitution, but their opposition to a bill that would strip citizens of their right to buy a gun if they are a suspected terrorist would clearly put them in that camp if they weren't the NRA. Any other group, especially a "lefty" group, that did something similar would earn the wrath of the right. Soft of terrorism, they don't get it, this is what you can expect from them, more surrender talk, etc.

For the record I agree with the NRA. At some point the nation needs to understand that terrorism is a crime, not an invasion and act accordingly. Just as you can't deny someone the right to buy a gun if they're suspected of car theft, you can't deny someone the right to buy a gun because of some arbitrary, and legally ambiguous, label of terrorist "suspect." Just look at how screwed up the national no-fly list is. Denying thousands of citizens of their constitutional rights because they are merely suspected of doing something wrong definitely goes against "innocent until proven guilty." This isn't a Brittney Spears fan club membership we're talking about, its you're Second Amendment Right. I'm really uncomfortable with a law that strips you of your Constitutional rights without trial, and without you even knowing it. Seriously, how do you get on the list, how do you get off the list? How do you defend yourself? The bottom line, this is an unannounced stripping of your Constitutional rights. How is that defending what America stands for?

Also note that this bill will add to the list of things that can deny you of your Second Amendment rights, won't be the last.

1 comment:

StalinMalone said...

Actually, terrorism is a tactic. Sometimes it's a crime and sometimes it's an act of war. The source defines the category not the attack.