Saturday, May 19, 2007

Tired of Being the Worst

In a bid to move up one spot on the "Worst President" list, Jimmy is bashing W again. "Hey, I know I did nothing good...but did I really do anything BAD?" America responds to his comments, much like his legacy, with a yawn.


The Unknown Blogger said...

Man, the way you ride this guy you'd think he gave you a wedgie and took your girlfriend.

I've never really understood you and your friends on the right's fascination with beating Carter down. I mean, he was a one termer, a really bad one (no one's really debating otherwise), and he got whalloped in his re-election. So why the pile-on? What exactly are his detractors trying to accomplish? What's the point?

StalinMalone said...

You Carter apologists are all the same. Pulling out the "leave the feeble old man alone" pleas in hopes that Jimmy will show up some Saturday afternoon with his crew and replace your kitchen cabinets.

You mock O'Reilly and Limbaugh and that's legit, but when Jimmy takes some heat that's beyond understanding? OK, send me the list of people who its ok to take to task for their public comments so I can get on the right side of this one.

The Unknown Blogger said...

It's not about "legit," its about "why bother?" Limbaugh and O'Reilly have daily national shows, large followings, and arguably shape national debates. Limbaugh has admitted that he says things he doesn't believe, and O'Reilly is a Grade A hack (please, please tell me you're not an O'Reilly fan), but I get it, both are actors who play parts on TV and Radio. They trive on controversy, so they have to drum it up. Part of that is maing inflammatory remarks (even when they don't really believe them) to get ratings up, and keep themselves in the public eye (some people don't understand this and think that they are giving truthful/insightful opinions-but its a game, think political Howard Sterns). So when they say something particularly dumb, I comment on it. The reality is that they want me to. Plus, both are in their fighting prime and are formidable opponents.

Carter, at least, was actually a President so at least he gets some cred (think athlete v. sports reporter). But more importantly, very, very few people care what Carter says. He was defeated, badly, epically, no one really takes him seriously (especially if reports are true that he received his Nobel in return for bashing W in the acceptance speech) and he has no real interest in ratings. Carter is a beaten down old man. No following, no sway on any policy or issue, and he's a very, very easy target given his lousy Presidency and historical beatdown by Reagan. I get that he wants despiratley to get out of the Presidential ratings cellar, so I'm not at all surprised that he's bringing attention to W (but the fact is that W's ratings are terrible, Carter's clearly not alone in thinking W is a very bad President). Anyway, I see what he's doing and I understand it. I also don't care.

It's not about calling out Carter's dumb statements, its, again, "why bother?" There are better targets in today's left, Clinton, Clinton, Kennedy, Byrd, Moore, throw a dart in Hollywood, etc. All I'm saying is that since the day Carter was destroyed by Reagan the Right seems to have taken some sort of weird glee in taking shots at him. What ever happened to winning with dignity?

If Limbaugh were to suffer some sort of epic beatdown, get drummed out of radio, be humiliated in a historical sense, etc, I can assure you that I wouldn't attack everything he said, especially at 80+ years old. He would be defeated, I would move on to a more formidable, and relevant target.

The right should too.

StalinMalone said...

I can't say that that makes a lot of sense to me, but I hope it means I've heard the last "William Howard Taft was soooo fat. How fat was he?" call and response out of you.