Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bite Someone Else's Hand

You could almost respect the opinions of those throughout the world who spew all their frustrations at the US. Almost. Right up until the point when they present their begging bowls and admit that they have no solutions, only complaints.

It makes perfect sense to hate the Yankees when every year they beat your team (and everyone else's). To root against them with all your might is almost a requirement for every other team's fans. And to use that as motivation to get even better so you can unseat them is one of the most admirable drivers of human behavior. However, once you show up at Yankee Stadium and demand that they send their coaches to improve your players and spend their championship winnings to improve your team's position you've admitted to being a loser...and from then on you will always be a loser.

A man has a right to criticize anyone else when he has a better way. And if he thinks one way is evil he has a moral duty to disassociate himself with it. But when the little countries of the world surround the American limo and jockey for the best positions in line to get their handouts they don't reveal their bankruptcy until they huddle in the alley devouring their charity and bemoaning how evil the people in that limo are.

Mexico says they don't want to lose vital, working citizens to immigration yet condemn the wall. Europe slashes military budgets to just above zero and then complains about American unilateralism. Chavez calls Bush a fascist and warmonger (to many cheers) as he steals industries and starts his military build up. And "leaders" like John Kerry say we need to change our ways so these same people won't criticize us any more.

In a room full of madmen, the sane guy will be the least popular.


The Unknown Blogger said...

Mexico says they don't want to lose vital, working citizens to immigration yet refuses to endorse a plan to put machine gun nests along the border to blow away illegals crossing the border into the US. Come on, is Mexico serious about stopping immigration or not?

The Unknown Blogger said...

Also, I agree with most everything else you said.